Immortality Healing

What is conscious bathing, and why is it so important to introduce it in our lives?

As we all know that Water is one of the most omnipotent elements. Without water, the human species cannot exist. We need it to remain alive.

Water is crucial for all of our basic needs. We all know the necessity of washing our skin daily. Some individuals like to bathe, some like to shower. No matter one’s preferences, it does not make any difference. However, how we use the water during each bath is vital. Bathing is imperative to us because we unconsciously in a ritualistic way need to cleanse impurities, dust, bacteria that have accumulated on our skin.

The lack of awareness, is the opportunity to perceive the ritualistic way to cleanse and recharge the auric field from unwanted energy. Energy that has accumulated throughout the day, to remain grounded in the pursuit of strengthening the soul.

 For instance, dust and impurities are invisible. The transference of energy should be held to the same standard. When we feel like we need to shower, it is because the density in the skin can be felt. In comparison, when feeling depleted, low on energy, fatigue is screaming that the soul needs some assistance. We often disregard the opportunity to consult the soul and take care of it as much as we take good care of our skin.

Conscious bathing has been present in diverse cultures for many different purposes. The utilization of some particular baths is to cleanse and recharge. Some use it to boost and cultivate self-love and empowerment, some to attract prosperity. For example, the Haitian culture is very much rich in spiritual principles and consumes many different rites of passage rituals.

Conscious bathing is recommended in the Haitian culture for various reasons. It is an ancestral secret that has passed down from one to the next. However, it is not in writing. Where I believe some concepts may have been lost and misconstrued in transition. The ritual of bathing is performed in a sacred and respectful manner. The spiritual education of it nowadays carries numerous misconceptions. It prevents many individuals from exploring the benefits of many of our lost cultural gems and necessities.  

 During New Year’s Eve, as a way of transitioning into the new year, some people would prepare a conscious bath to release anything that was not serving them to have a fresh new start. Some people would call it; “Lucky Bath.” In reality, there is no such thing as luck. I believe people feel lucky after cleansing their aura because of the intention and conscious energy projected unto the bath. This allows the unlimited self to be present and tends to attract a steady abundant flow of goodness. Thus the soul and the auric field are not being burdened nor influenced by someone else’s transference.

Haitians also strongly believe in detoxifying and rejuvenating the body head to toe after giving birth with various herbs. Conscious baths are carried out for multiple purposes and are quite beneficial to the overall health. It possessed the ability to detoxify toxins out of the body. although some baths are different, they are composed of different ingredients and herbs.

Rite of passage is used literally in everything that we do. Our life is consumed by daily rituals. Such as birthdays, weddings, graduation. Those celebrated transitions tend to lighten us up and put us in a harmonious state. Why not incorporate a monthly ritual that can provide so much good to us in a spiritual, psychological, and physiological state. Conscious bath can be included as a rite of passage to bring the mind-body-spirit into harmony and balance.

 I have personally created many rites and rituals in my life. I always have something to look forward to celebrate and create time for the ultimate self-care.

 I anticipate conscious bathing as one of the most mighty rites, in the knowing that you are transitioning from one shedding belief to another. During the full moon, I created a list of negative beliefs that I am willing to let go of to be at my highest best self. During the new moon, I set the intention of what I would and started introducing and cultivating in my daily routine. It almost feels like there are always celebrations that I am looking forward to twice a month. By doing so, I cultivated a sacred safe space within myself.

Detoxing during lunar cycles is imperative and fun. We have to come to the reality of our connection to all as spiritual beings. Being human and being spiritual are parallel yet opposite. Being human is ego related, whereas being spiritual is soul-based. As spiritual beings, we are all part of this web of interconnectedness such as nature, the sky, the moon, the animals, the solar system, the lunar system, the collectives. We are all part of a beautiful phenomenon. Whether you believe it or not, lunar cycles and planetary alignment/displacement affect all of us in some ways. Each lunar cycle transcends a different level of energy. Everything is energy!

 The new moon is transformative, whereas the full moon plays a role in our shadow self. Shadow self is the embedded unacknowledged experiences, beliefs, patterns. That we often dismissed or suppressed. The full moon plays the role of having us to face ourselves, our harshest reality, things we fear of facing. Setting intentions and cultivating a soulful ritual help us release and make room to co-create with The All.

 During this time, self-care is quite significant. 30 to 45 minutes to reflect in the absence of phones, shutting the world to honor yourself with a relaxing conscious bath during the transition of the two most crucial lunar cycles can make a huge difference in our lives. Why is it so important? Imagine you have a room near the door there’s a dresser which leaves a narrow path to enter, the window is completely shut with debris, that debris are society’s beliefs and protocols that prevent you from reconnecting with your purest true self. The room is filled with other boxes. Those boxes are behavioral patterns that are stored within the subconscious. There is a limited void for any sort of awareness to come in.

 We must allow ourselves to provide that space to receive. Our higher self gets to be in partnership with us. When we are at our best, we help everything around us to be at their best. Thus, we create this beautiful harmonious self to be in alignment with our higher purpose.

The owl